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module FAQs

What is Self-Monitoring?

The D365 F&O Self-Monitoring module, reduce risks and avoids downtime. 
It maximises revenue and minimises costs by stabilising business processes.

Business-stopping errors are often caused by changes to configuration, code, master data or transactions. Other applications can also transfer incorrect or incomplete data. 

Most D365 F&O Support Teams use a range of manual reports and past experience to resolve common issues. They often wait for a User to log a ticket before responding.

Waiting-for-a-ticket magnifies the impact of downtime on the business.
Its brand is affected, personal reputation is eroded, team credibility suffers and
business sales can be impacted.

How does Self-Monitoring work?

The new Self-Monitoring module, monitors D365 and its support systems, 
in real time to detect faults, often before users notice.

The support and response process are simplified, automated
and standardised so that more people can respond, in real time to events.

This Shift-Left support model, minimises and in many cases, eliminates downtime by predicting where faults could occur and notifying the relevant department ahead of time.

Aside from decreased support requirements, the avoided downtime helps D365 F&O Consultants to spend more time building solutions.

6 Key Features

Explore the Module

Written for D365 F&O and installable as a package. Safely operates across Developer, Test and Production environments.

Lower Operating Costs

The Connector uses read-only SQL to avoid Business Analyst, Developer and System Administration costs. 

Prebuilt Business Rules

Users can also write custom Business Rules with queries and conditions that are unique to their industry and company.

See Instant Results

See immediate results and reduce risk without having to wait for approval, budget, or code to be written and tested.

Safeguard Personal Data

Only non-personal / anonymised data can be extracted. Access is to this data is restricted using D365 F&O Security Groups.

Retain Knowledge

Documenting how D365 F&O works, helps to retain corporate knowledge and reduce the impact of staff turnover. 

benefits of modern D365 operations

What is a Business Rule?

It's a tool used by D365 F&O Managers to eliminate a specific risk.

Business Rules consist
of 6 components.

Define the Risk 

Provide an example of a business risk including the problem and consequence if not addressed.

Automatically Monitor

Exception checking can be run at any time or on a preset frequency such as daily, monthly or yearly.

Trigger an Alert

If an exception count exceeds a threshold, then an alert is sent to a nominated user for review.

Reduce the Risk

A risk reduction policy defines how users should act to minimise the risk in a given scenario.

Detect Anomalies

Policy is reinforced by using SQL queries to trap exceptions and record them for review.

Require Approvals

A further safeguard requires a user to review and approve every exception to the Policy. 

benefits of modern D365 operations

What data, can your team access? 

The D365 F&O module uses read-only SQL queries.
It can access D365 F&O, other applications
and environments such as Azure and Windows.
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