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Free Your Time
Prevent burnout, reduce stress and better manage your workload.

Avoid being on call 24/7

Fix issues wherever you are

Your Avatar quickly handles issues 24/7, minimising user frustration and business impact. Upskill your users and free up your time by providing solution options and access to internal and Microsoft documentation.



Streamline Stress Today

Empower Growth Tomorrow

Re-balance your life whilst your Avatar proactively monitors D365 F&O for known issues, detecting faults and coordinating the response with nominated users. All whilst briefing everyone on the RACI matrix.


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Avoid ticket queue overload

Manage your workload effectively

Your Avatar works so you can rest. It scales instances of You, responding to daily, weekly, monthly and annual issues. It predicts and prevents issues escalating so you can ditch your support anxiety forever.


With 24/7 Avatar monitoring of your business processes, you can now automate your detection, alerting and delegation tasks.

Your Avatar uses Business Rules to instantly predict issues across servers, cloud services, applications, service providers and business processes connected to D365 F&O.

It then alerts the nominated User and Manager, including a proposed solution with detailed steps on what to do next. You can use this service to solve recurring issues without being directly involved or interrupted.

If the User doesn't solve the issue by the time-limit you've built in, it's escalated. Your Avatar communicates every step of the way, just like you would.

All of this happens, whilst your busy working on something else. 


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Tame unpredictable schedules

Minimise after hours interruptions

Your Avatar covers your routine tasks, so you can tackle higher-value issues with full energy. Get away for a long weekend, enjoy your holidays and relax after hours knowing your Avatar is on duty 24/7.



Prioritise your emotional well-being

Eliminate Daily Checks

No matter how fast we are, we all hit the same limit: the sheer time it takes to solve D365 problems. Your Avatar monitors for recurring issues and instantly responds. You're finally free from daily checks.


It checks every step in your different Business Processes to ensure that users have no issues and that D365 F&O is operational and stable.

It even reconciles data between other systems to detect errors.

Train your Avatar with custom processes and knowledge to 
prevent downtime. You'll move faster, with a new awareness of how everything fits together. 

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Open the door to career growth

Help VIPs unlock new opportunities

We all get too many tickets, the urgent burying the important.
We don't respond to our VIPs. And we miss taking care of critical users who need a higher level of support. Your Avatar can help.


As a result, we lose opportunities, block our teams, and damage our reputations.

With your Avatar doing Busywork at the 24/7 Genius Bar, you can instead focus on who needs your attention. Split out your VIPs, your power users or anyone else who needs more urgent attention.

Even when your queue is overflowing, your Avatar has you covered, so you can prioritise your nominated VIPs and the opportunities they bring.

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Be Heard By Senior Management

Build No Code - No Cost Reports

Your Avatar helps eliminate Developer costs and frustrating delays for custom data extracts and reports. These No-Code tools help reposition you as someone who can get more things done with less resources.

Think of the data that you want in a report you and your Avatar will respond with a cleverly crafted SQL query and sample report.

Best of all, the SQL query is read-only, so it's safe. and works instantly. No need to get approvals, install code or deploy to dev/test/ production.

Unlike other technologies which only let you access the standard 2,000 D365 F&O data entities, your Avatar gives you full access to all 20,000 tables.

Say goodbye to budget overruns and waiting in line. Say hello to Managers who want to know how you get so much done. Why you do things that others can't. And what else you recommend should be changed.

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Maintain a Positive Attitude

Free Up Time To Focus

Whilst your busy elsewhere, your Avatar trains on D365 F&O Business Rules so it can proactively monitor, predict issues and communicate solutions to the right people, using your RACI matrix.


You're far more productive when your backlog is free of clutter. But no matter what you do, tickets keep piling up. 

Reduce your backlog, by delegating responsibility for responding to recurring issues to either your Helpdesk, a business User or team.

Allocate users using RACI levels; Responsible, Accountable, Consulted and Informed.

Now you have all the time to focus and enjoy a more productive day.

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