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Your Personal Avatar
Meet your performance goals
and satisfy user demands.

Your Avatar deals with difficult users

keeping them consistently informed

Eliminate your fear of escalating situations or not being able to resolve complex issues effectively. Your Avatar is a 24/7 independent source of truth that keeps users informed and protects your reputation.



Your Avatar reduces your fear 

about being under-equipped

Eliminate your worry about not having the necessary resources or knowledge to adequately support users. Power Up your AI-Avatar and help more users, more often at anytime and anywhere.


AI Powered, Human Like

The person you'd hire, if you had budget.

Your Avatar looks and thinks just like you. It searches for potential D365 F&O issues and alerts the right user with a solution that they can action.
You benefit from less talk-time and more think-time.


Your Avatar looks out for you 

Safeguarding your reputation

Safeguard all changes to D365 F&O Master Data and Configuration.
Quickly understand what has been changed, by whom and when.
Easily reverse out unauthorised changes and regain system stability.


The heart of D365 F&O is its configuration, which is split into 5 groups; Parameters, Reference, Master data along with Documents & Transactions.

A single incorrect change can
bring your business to a halt. Not knowing where the error is can cost your business through lost sales,  
Your Avatar is watching out for you, by taking daily snapshots of your configuration and comparing it to the previous day.  It then creates a list of all the changes, when they were made and by whom. A report is sent to you every night.

You can use this information to quickly and easily reverse out unapproved changes or recover from accidental downtime caused by a change.

I just saw Matt’s D365 congrats $1M processed yesterday in Sales Orders. (3).gif

Your AI-Avatar takes away your

Anxiety about performance targets

Your Avatar solves problems and communicates a single source of metric truth to the business. Ensure that everyone is on the same page with an official log of D365 issues, faults, downtime and system stability.


Most companies measure your success by the tickets that you've closed and the size of your backlog. This implies that you're solely responsible for things breaking in D365 F&O.

Your Avatar continually updates departmental dashboards
with metrics that engages users and highlights specific things that they can action.

Department Manager are more likely to allocate resources to sort out Master Data, incorrect transactions and reconciliation issues when they see their faults and issues caused by their team.

Soon, you'll have 100 Power Users helping you monitor and support D365 F&O.

I just saw Matt’s D365 congrats $1M processed yesterday in Sales Orders. (7).gif

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About Your Avatar

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